Wednesday, November 24, 2010
being sick sucks... all the time.
and being sick also means... i'm home from the mish... for now. updates coming soon. i promise i'm better at this then my mom... bless her heart :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Guess what...IT'S P-DAY!
my week here was really good! we had a baptism on saturday the 14th for brother breed! it was really amazing...he got baptized in a swimming pool! the spirit was so strong there...i took pictures but forgot to print some out today at week! :) so we've had 2 baptisms so far...sister bushee on june 30th and brother breed on the 14th...we also worked at a fair all week...set up a little booth and met tons of people that live was a lot of fun! i took pictures of that too...
we are taking a trip to the jsm...joseph smith memorial tomorrow with 2 of our investigators, george and india carson...a father and his daughter. i'm super excited cause i've never been there...president wilkey has encouraged us to take as many of our investigators there as possible...he said that 90% of people that go there end up getting baptized...crazy huh?!? so it will be fun...i'll take pictures of that too! :) we get to go next tuesday too to our zone conference...yay!
anyway...things are going good here...we've been staying really busy...we're teaching a lot of really good people. but...i gotta run...i'm sorry this is so short... i'll try to get a letter out today...and my e-mails might be on different days for the next few weeks...the only library that is open on mondays will be closed for the next watch for my e-mails :)
xoxo-sister tresner
Monday, August 9, 2010
P-day or no P-day...where's my girl...?
hiiieeeee :) yay for emails! i miss you! i hate "no email mondays"... but... here is the update... we moved out of sister bushee's attic... into a house. the address is 6 secluded way port henry, ny. 12974. it's been a crazy hectic week moving and cleaning... you wouldn't believe how nasty people live here... we spent a good 7 hours cleaning the house on friday. yuck. but we're moved and it's all good! We have a baptism on saturday!!! and... look at the date on saturday... the 14th. the same day as my baptism 6 years ago! neat huh? He's a man named john breed. he is amazing... he's 59 years old... he's single and lived by himself... he's had a really hard life... he watched his dad get hit by a car outside of his house about 10 years ago... and then tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head... and by doing that he suffered a major stroke so he's a little slow but he has such a strong testimony... he is amazing and it's been so neat to watch him grow in the gospel. i'll take some pictures this weekend and hopefully get some out to you next week :)
and... sister nelson and i made it through transfers... we're both staying here in ny for another 6 weeks at least! we're both really excited... a lot of good things are going to happen here before we leave! we're teaching a really cute family... sherman and krista crowe and their 2 kids damion (he's 6) and olivia (she's almost 3)... they are coming along super slow but they will be amazing members... they are so excited about everything they are learning... and they are so stinkin cute... i'll get a picture of them too!
so i inherited 2 heavy winter coats already here! yay that means i don't have to buy any! i am going to need long sleeve shirts and leggings and stuff like that though... not right now but if you want to start looking, it would be nice :) our extent of shopping is at wal-mart. barf. and... the leaves are changing here already... it's going to be really pretty. i'll send some leaves home ha ha. oh speaking of, i'm trying to get a little package together to send home... anything in particular you want from here?? lol...
smile :) love, me
What..."no email Mondays"...??
Ugh...I hate "no email Mondays"! Here's an update via a letter to let you know about my week!
So...I spent 3 days in Plymouth, New Hampshire, not Plymouth, bad. There is a Plymouth, Vermont...but I didn't find out I was going to New Hampshire until Monday night. We stayed in Burlington, Vermont. with 2 other sisters, Sister Petersen & Sister Agle. Then Tuesday we left early in the morning to Plymouth to drop me off and the others went on to Bedford, NH. Sister Steinbeagle and I had 3 good was real stressful for me...she is struggling to feel comfortable. We managed! I did have the coolest experience while I was there though: We had an appointment to teach one of their investigators for the first time...and since it was Sister Steinbeagle's area, I was going to let her teach...well we got there and we started teaching Lee...and Sister Steinbeagle totally blanked...couldn't talk at all. So I pretty much taught the whole lesson...up until Joseph Smith and the First Vision...then I panicked! I didn't know the First Vision at all! Ah! Sister Steinbeagle for sure didn't know it, so...I stopped, said a prayer in my head, and went on. I told him all about Joseph Smith and looked him in the eyes and recited the First Vision. About halfway through, he closed his eyes...when I finished, he opened them and tears were running down his cheeks. I don't think I've felt the Spirit so strong during a lesson yet on the mission. It was amazing. Lee committed to be baptized on August 29th and is going to continue to read the Book of Mormon. I'm absolutely dying to know what is going to happen with him and won't have any idea until Zone Conference. Ah! :( I don't know what happened to me during that lesson, but I know it wasn't me talking. I've never said the First Vision out loud before...the Spirit works in mysterious ways!
I also recently met our new Mission President, President Wilkey and his wife. They are amazing! One thing that Sister Wilkey said to me was, "Be yourself...everyone else is taken". I am thankful for my time spent with Sister Steinbeagle, those 3 days taught me a lot. I was able to see a lot of success in those 3 days just being me!
Love, Sister Tresner
P.S. Can you believe it's been 2 months already?!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
yipppeee's P-day !!!
ha ha hiiiiiieeeee!!! question 1... what do we eat for dinner? we can't go to members houses for dinners (except sunday) it was the old mission presidents rule and we haven't heard any different yet... so we usually eat something quick... pb&j, bean and cheese burrito's, salad... anything that takes less then 15 minutes to make and eat lol... but we've had some really good meals at members homes or less-active members homes... burgers, steak (yessss) potatoes, salads, casseroles (typical mormon dishes) you know... the normal stuff. but usually, it's granola bars, string cheese, and pb&j type stuff... fun huh? :)
brother condon is doing a lot better. we found out that he's had seizures before and has medication for it, but wasn't taking it! but he's got it and he's taking it, so he's fine now. and as for our neighbors... well, we moved. we're temporarily staying at sister bushee's house... yea, the member that just got baptized. "hi, welcome to the church... wanna get baptized? um... can we live with you?" yea, that's pretty much how it went... no, she offered to have us stay there for a few weeks until we find an apartment.. but we're in a teeny tiny attic ha ha... but it works and it's a lot safer then where we were at. the neighbor that survived the fight actually turned out to be a suspect for his brother's death... so we got out of there and everything is good now! so... when you write or whatever, just send them to the mission home address until i can get sister bushee's address.
oh! i totally forgot... i'm going to be with a different companion for a few days... sister nelson is going to a leadership training thing in new hampshire for 3 days so i'm going to be with sister steinbeigle in plymouth, vermont for the next 3 days... we leave tonight and stay in burlington, vermont with sister petersen and sister agle and then tomorrow morning i'm off to plymouth... it's going to be interesting having 2 greenies in an area... i'm really nervous. ah! so pray for me! ha!
and... last thing and i'll quit rambling... president and sister wilkey are so so so amazing... we had our zone interviews on thursday... i had a long talk with both him and sister wilkey... i'm so excited to have them here. i know that they have truly been called of God to be here in this mission and i know they are going to do amazing things here.
but i gotta go! our time is almost up! but i love you and i miss you! until next week... smile :) :) :) xo- me
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
the life and...WHAT A WEEK...for Sister Tresner
hi mom :) and rolly :) and baby smeedie and miss and "little"... wow sounds like you had a busy week! we did too... we have been busy running around teaching people! we are teaching some really amazing people here... we were referred to a man named john about a week ago... he's really interested and has lots of questions... AND... we started teaching one of our neighbors too... a fifteen year old boy named andrew... he is amazing! we set a date for him to be baptized on august 28th... sister nelson and i have been praying to be able to teach someone who will someday go on a mission... and he's already been talking about a mission... asking us all sorts of questions about it... he's so eager to learn... he's amazing!
we also had some really sad things happen this week... we teach a book of mormon study group every tuesday night... and one of our recent converts, brother condon was there... he's 70 years old but he's probably my favorite member in our branch... anyway, he got real quiet toward the end of the lesson and at the end of the lesson, he couldn't get up from the chair... he was completely non-responsive... we thought it was from his diabetes, that his blood sugar was low... so we got home some food to eat... and while is was eating, he started having a seizure and passed out. sister nelson and i caught him and had to hold him there until the ambulance came. long story short, he is okay... he had a gran mal (spelling?) seizure... it was super sad... but we're all glad he's okay. and the other thing that happened was... we got some new neighbors a few weeks ago... justin and josh who are brothers and then their girlfriends... we had only met them a few times but yesterday we heard that someone got ran over and killed in the middle of the night... turns out, it was justin, our neighbor... him and his brother were out drinking and ended up getting into a fight so justin left and was walking on the road... someone hit him and then he got ran over 2 more times before someone noticed him in the road. and the same night his brother, josh, ended up getting beat up somewhere and was beat up so bad that he was put into a coma. it's super sad and this town is so small that everyone either knows them, or was related to them...
anyway, yes we're still trying to move... no news yet but they're working on it. but i have to go... i got my "breakfast" package today... thanks :) you're the best! i love you and i'll try to write you today if i have time... miss you :) love-me :)
Monday, July 12, 2010's Ashley's P-day !!
yes, i live above the catch penny thrift store... top floor! and... if you haven't noticed, there is a bar right under us too... fabulous. we are actually trying to move out...our neighbors are... umm... not so safe? i'll keep you updated though... we keep our door locked!
our week has been really good! we have 4 potential investigators that are set to be baptized the end of the month! and... this last thursday we got to meet our new mission president and his wife... president and sister wilkey. they are really amazing... sister wilkey is a convert to the church and president wilkey actually served his mission here! they both have such strong testimonies and seem really down to earth... AND... no more nylons!! only to church, baptisms and meetings! yay! AND... even better... our skirts don't have to be "mid-calf length" yesssss! just over the knee when we sit down... ha ha... now i have all these frumpy skirts :( oh well... better for winter!
p-day... our p-day is nuts... we literally are running around all day... we have to drive at least 30 minutes to the nearest wal-mart in a town called ticonderoga, ny for groceries and to do our laundry and wash the car... so we don't have time to do anything fun really... it's kind of a bummer. not that there is a whole lot to do here anyway... ah! i did eat at mcdonalds today! first time since i've been gone! ha ha... sad, isn't it? peanut butter and jelly have become one of my best friends. oh and i tried maple drops! the maple syrup in the snow stuff... it's just like a maple syrup candy... it's pretty yummy :)
poor smeedie... tell her i miss her... and i'd take her if i could :) it was definitely hot here this week... like 105 plus 90% humidity... blast. it was awful... i have bug bites all over my legs... and one on my foot that is making my whole foot swell and all tingly... i can't even fit it in my shoe :( if it doesn't go down by tomorrow, i'm going to have to call sister wilkey and get to a doctor :(
but... i do have to go... only 30 minutes goes by really quick. i haven't really taken many pictures here yet... so once i take more i'll send you some... but i love you and i'll talk to you next week! miss you miss you! love- me :)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
...where...? Port Henry, New York
Ahhh...Port Henry, New York
Our teeny, tiny branch building
my 1st baptism on the mission!
Sister PJ Bushee-baptized 6-30-10
Elder & Sister Smith
Sister Nelson & I
Sister Tresner & Sister Nelson-4th of July
We had a baptism this week! Yay! It was really cool...we also have 4 more coming up...2 this month and 2 in August! We did some service this week for a less active member in our branch...pulling weeds! ha-ha! Bet you never thought you'd hear that I was pulling weeds out on the mission! It was quite the experience! It was super hot that day too...Actually it has been super hot outside everyday, into the 90's, muggy and humid. Yuck! We sweat all day and come home and sweat some more...yea, no air conditioner! Gotta go and wash my face...again! Bye :)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
first stop...Port Henry, New York...
yea!! p-day for you means p-day for me!!
hiiiieeeeeeee :) AH!!! you spoke in conference!!! i love it! and i love you! so so exciting! :) i have so much to tell you!! okay... so i guess you already know, i'm in ny... mom, you would die living here!!! it's hot... humid... okay, super humid... there are flies everywhere... and speaking of fies, they're not only outside, but inside as well... yep, all over our apartment. disgusting. they crowd the windows in our bathroom... it's lovely to shower with about 100 flies. but it's getting better... we got a fly catcher thing so hopefully it helps. it's super green here... we live right on a lake that actually separates new york from vermont... called lake champlain. we have to take a ferry boat to get here. people here don't have a lot of money here either... most people live in either tiny little shacks or trailers. and the insides of them are even worse... it's actually really sad. i'll write you a letter and tell you more about it. the people here are super humble though... most people reject you right off the bat... which is really discouraging, but the people that let you talk are so nice and so sweet... and... we actually have a baptism on wednesday!! my first one on the mission! she is amazing... her name is pj bushee... i'll have to send pictures... so we had church yesterday... the church is so small here that they don't even have a ward... it's just a branch... we have maybe 50 people at church yesterday... they don't even have a chapel. just a primary room and a relief society room... i'll have to send a picture of that too... it looks like a pizza hut with a steeple. only the steeple is on the ground ha ha. it's super cute and all the members are amazing. ah i'm still so so so proud of you for speaking in conference! i'm sure you did absolutely amazing! i don't have time to read it on here so hopefully you sent me a copy :) oh and tell rolly that we had dinner at a members house the other night... and he made potato salad... so i ate it... blah. i miss rolly's :( nothing will ever compare. and mom, you would be so proud of me... i've been brushing my teeth twice, sometimes three times a day... AND... flossing!!! ha... no one here takes care of their teeth and it was so disgusting to me that i'm OCD about it now... oh and i've been wearing my retainer every night too :) i deserve a candy bar for that! oh! i almost forgot to introduce you to my companion... sister nelson. she is from vernal, utah and goes home in october... she is super cute and really fun. i like her a lot... i'll have to tell you more about her in my letter. but i have to go! tell everyone that i can't email anyone but family... so they'll just have to wait for my letters... tell everyone i love them :) i love you so much and i wish i could tell you everything... but i'm so proud of you and i miss you guys!! talk to you next p-day! :) love you! -me
hiiiieeeeeeee :) AH!!! you spoke in conference!!! i love it! and i love you! so so exciting! :) i have so much to tell you!! okay... so i guess you already know, i'm in ny... mom, you would die living here!!! it's hot... humid... okay, super humid... there are flies everywhere... and speaking of fies, they're not only outside, but inside as well... yep, all over our apartment. disgusting. they crowd the windows in our bathroom... it's lovely to shower with about 100 flies. but it's getting better... we got a fly catcher thing so hopefully it helps. it's super green here... we live right on a lake that actually separates new york from vermont... called lake champlain. we have to take a ferry boat to get here. people here don't have a lot of money here either... most people live in either tiny little shacks or trailers. and the insides of them are even worse... it's actually really sad. i'll write you a letter and tell you more about it. the people here are super humble though... most people reject you right off the bat... which is really discouraging, but the people that let you talk are so nice and so sweet... and... we actually have a baptism on wednesday!! my first one on the mission! she is amazing... her name is pj bushee... i'll have to send pictures... so we had church yesterday... the church is so small here that they don't even have a ward... it's just a branch... we have maybe 50 people at church yesterday... they don't even have a chapel. just a primary room and a relief society room... i'll have to send a picture of that too... it looks like a pizza hut with a steeple. only the steeple is on the ground ha ha. it's super cute and all the members are amazing. ah i'm still so so so proud of you for speaking in conference! i'm sure you did absolutely amazing! i don't have time to read it on here so hopefully you sent me a copy :) oh and tell rolly that we had dinner at a members house the other night... and he made potato salad... so i ate it... blah. i miss rolly's :( nothing will ever compare. and mom, you would be so proud of me... i've been brushing my teeth twice, sometimes three times a day... AND... flossing!!! ha... no one here takes care of their teeth and it was so disgusting to me that i'm OCD about it now... oh and i've been wearing my retainer every night too :) i deserve a candy bar for that! oh! i almost forgot to introduce you to my companion... sister nelson. she is from vernal, utah and goes home in october... she is super cute and really fun. i like her a lot... i'll have to tell you more about her in my letter. but i have to go! tell everyone that i can't email anyone but family... so they'll just have to wait for my letters... tell everyone i love them :) i love you so much and i wish i could tell you everything... but i'm so proud of you and i miss you guys!! talk to you next p-day! :) love you! -me
Thursday, July 1, 2010
leaving on a jet plane...
and after 2 days of flying, a few phone calls home :), and a overnight stay in Chicago...
she made it all the way to NEW HAMPSHIRE!
week's all about the MTC... New Hampshire I go!
Sister Steinbeigle, me, Sister Petersen and Sister Rust
we've got the 'Spirit'...
our District
top left to right Elder Lowe, Elder Crowther, Elder Nicholes, Elder Nyman,
Elder Bennett (going to India), me, Sister Petersen, Sister Rust
bottom left to right Elder Pope (going to India), Elder Cash,
Elder Charters and Sister Steinbeigle
Sunday, June 20, 2010
week 2 in the MTC
hiiiiiieeeeeeeee :) p-day... yessssss! so... nothing has really changed in the mtc... class allllll the time... BUT! yesterday, we got to host all of the new missionaries that came in... and guess who i got to excort around... jaclyn kahrs! crazy huh??! so tell terry across the street that she says hi.. she's actually in the dorm room almost next to mine... it was really cool. and thank you so much for the cookies... all the sisters in my room seriously love you... i mean i do too :) but they really do... they totally want to meet you :) so we leave on monday morning at 5:00 am from the mtc... so i'm thinking i'll probably call around 5:30 am your time? sorry so early :( and i got a calling card here for 500 minutes... we also have a layover in chicago for an hour so i might try to call you then too but i can't make any promises.
um...... i might be getting a bike in new hampshire! lol!!!! we met a sister here who served in our mission and she said there is one area in portland, maine that is a bike riding area... all the othe sisters say that i'm going to go there first because i already have a split slip! don't worry, i modeled it for everyone... they loved it :) i'm sending a letter today with some pictures in it and some real mtc insight... i might include one with some more funny (sunny) things :) . but really, thanks so much for all the dear elders... i love all of them... especially the one that you said you caught smeedie in the blue frosting... i miss her :(
i'm singing in sacrament on sunday :) another elder in my district and i are doing a duet... cute huh? i wish you could be here for it. maybe i'll try to record it... meh... we'll see. anyway, all is good here... i'm ready to get out to nh and meet real people... but i've learned so much here already... it's so crazy how the spirit works here. i love you lots and i miss you a lot... can't wait to talk to you bright and early on monday!!! :)
i still hate hate hate nylons,
sister tresner
Friday, June 11, 2010
week 1 in the MTC
yay it's finally p-day! so much to tell you... first, thank you so much for the cinnamon rolls and for all my dear elder letters... made me smile! you're the best! :) okay, here's the rundown... nylons-hate them... but i do have to wear them everyday... i should have invested in some knee highs... oh well. the clothes... anything goes... seriously, anything. i didn't need to worry about blazers and button up shirts... blah. oh and you don't have to tuck your shirt in... everyone was just trying to scare me. the food is... eh. they do have a TON of food though so i can see why i would need elastic waist band skirts ;) and... they had potato salad one night... so i tried it.. rolly, your is definitely better... i miss it :( we have class for 3-4 hours a day usually twice a day... it's really intense but i'm learning so much. we have 8 elders in our district and 4 sisters... 9 of us are going to nh... the 4 sisters and 5 elders. then we have 2 elders going to india (cool right?) and 1 going to indiana. they are all way fun... i'm going to send home pictures probably next p-day. my companion is sister rust from grantsville, utah. molly to the mormon. i know, i asked for it. but i really do love her... she is super sweet and she knows so much about the gospel... i have a lot to learn! a lot of the time i just end up racking her brain on bible stories and scripture background... poor girl. we also get gym time every day for about an hour... we've been going outside to play volleyball... and thanks to me never playing volleyball in my life, i now have a huge, i mean huge size bruise on the palm of my left hand ha ha... battle wounds. and our p-day is on thursday and that's the only day we get to write letters so i'm sorry i haven't written anyone yet... i'm not allowed lol. and we're only allowed to take pictures on sundays and p-day... blah. there is no caffiene here at the mtc (go figure) so... no dr.pepper for me... but i've actually been okay... drinking my caffiene free diet coke :)
quick funny story about my companion before i forget.. she says "bless you" for everything... i mean everything... not only if you sneeze, but if you cough, clear your throat, sniff, drop something, or shift in your chair... she come right back at you with "bless you!" it's hilarious and i have to try so hard not to laugh everytime she says it. i can almost call out everytime she's gonna say it. i'm usually right on. oh and she saw my tattoo on my foot. i'm sure she about died inside and probably repented in silence for me... bless her heart.
from the missionary who doesn't wear a dork dot anymore,
sister tresner
quick funny story about my companion before i forget.. she says "bless you" for everything... i mean everything... not only if you sneeze, but if you cough, clear your throat, sniff, drop something, or shift in your chair... she come right back at you with "bless you!" it's hilarious and i have to try so hard not to laugh everytime she says it. i can almost call out everytime she's gonna say it. i'm usually right on. oh and she saw my tattoo on my foot. i'm sure she about died inside and probably repented in silence for me... bless her heart.
from the missionary who doesn't wear a dork dot anymore,
sister tresner
Destination: MTC
The time to leave has come!
On Tuesday, June 1st, we loaded the car and made the 6 hour drive to Provo.
We wanted to go through the Salt Lake Temple for the first time together before Ashley reported to the MTC. We went with some friends, Nick Welch and his mom, Jackie. It was a neat experience.
Then it was time to say goodbye. Ashley's report time was 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday June 2nd.
It was hard saying goodbye to my girl, but at the same time I'm really excited for her.
I know this is what she really wants to be doing, and I know she will be blessed for all her hard work.
Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me.
Moses 6:34
Thursday, May 27, 2010
farewell, food, fun and friends
sunday, may 23rd was my mission farewell at church. here is a picture recap of the day:
the food
the fun
the friends (well, some)
this last picture is amazing for two reasons... reason #1: these are some of my best friends from high school (minus micah, but he can be inducted in, no big deal) and i love them. reason #2: the girl in the green is my best friend and couldn't make it to my farewell... or so i thought! my sneaky mom flew her out from st.louis, missouri so she could be at my farewell... how lucky am i?!?
i just love her :)
and my cute mom. i just love her too.
so there you have it. a mini recap of my farewell. i have the best friends/family. the end.
Monday, April 26, 2010
i love to see the temple
-president howard w. hunter (oct. 1994 general conference)
the other night, i was able to take out my endowment at the las vegas, nevada temple. but... what was even better was that my mom was able to go through with me for her first time as well. my best friend emily flew in that same day from st.louis so she was able to be my escort and my mom's good friend jill was her escort. it was one of the coolest experiences of my life. we had awesome temple workers there to help us and lots of close friends attended the session as well. the temple is definitely one of the most beautiful places i've ever been and i'm so grateful for it's significance in the church. where would we be without temples?
emily and i
jill and my mom
pretty in white :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
sometimes dreams really do come true
i recieved my mission call on march 18, 2010. my good friend ashley was cool enough to catch the whole thing on video. but before you watch, let me give you a little background... a few weeks before i sent in my papers (february 24th to be exact. yes i wrote down the date.) i woke up from this crazy dream... in my dream, i recieved my call and there were tons of people at my house to watch me open it. as i opened it, i read out loud that i was called to serve in new hampshire. now, in my dream, i was really disappointed because i wanted to go foreign so so bad... so i woke up from my dream and immediately got on google to see if there even was a mission in new hampshire. manchester it was. i mean, do people even live in new hampshire??? so i told a few people about my dream... just in case. so, there you have it... i'm not crazy. now to watch the video, go to ashley's blog and it's somewhere in her march blogs. thanks ash for your video skills... you're the best!
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